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AspidJaws | Дата: Пятница, 2008-01-11, 8:25 PM | Сообщение # 1 |
Guild Master
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 719
Статус: Offline
| Рейд 16.01.2008 21:00 (по Москве), 60+ уровни, лимит 20 игроков. _________________________________________________________ Продолжение рейда 17.01.2008 21:00 (по Москве) - 3-й бос _________________________________________________________ Zul'Gurub - рейд оригинального WoW на 20 игроков, расположенный на севере Stranglethorn Vale. Зуль-Гуруб - это столица племен троллей, живущих в джунглях и ведомых Гурубаши (Gurubashi) - последователями ужасного бога Хаккара "Свежевальщика душ" (Hakkar the Soulflayer), которые обитают в храме в глубине города. Zul'Gurub. Более тысячи лет наза могущественная империя Гурубаши была ввергнута в гражданскую войну. Влиятельная группа жрецов троллей, известная как Atal’ai вызвала аватар древнего и ужасного кровавого бога Хаккара. В войне жрецы были поверженны и изгнаны. Они отправились на север в болото Печали (Swamp of Sorrows), где возвели Хаккару величественный храм, чтобы подготовить его возвращение в материальный мир (храм сейчас известен как подземелье на 5 игроков - Sunken Temple и там можно вызвать аватар Хаккара). Аватар Хаккара. Со временем жрецы поняли, что физическую форму Хаккар может обрести только будучи вызванным в древней столице Гурубаши - Зуль-Гурубе. И жрецы преуспели в своем деле - отчеты подтвердили присутствие "Свежевальщика душ" в сердце руин империи Гурубаши. С целью повергнуть кровавого бога, тролли близлежащих земель объединились и послали в древний город группу высших жрецов. Каждый жрец был могущественным и лучшим в одной из форм Основных богов - летучей мыши, пантеры, тигра, паука и змеи, но все они попали под влияние Хаккара. Теперь эти высшие жрецы и их силы подпитывают невероятное могущество "Свежевальщика душ" и все кто хочет бросить вызов кровавому богу, должны прежде встретиться с этими жрецами, если хотят иметь какие-то шансы на успех. Босы Зуль-Гуруба. Главный бос Зуль-Гуруба - это Хаккар. Его силы и специальные способности питают пятеро высших жрецов, которые находятся в формах летучей мыши, паука, змеи, пантеры и тигра. Победить Хаккара, не трогая высших жрецов - очень сложная задача. Другие интересные босы: - кровавый лорд Мондакир - всадник на рапторе, обладающий рядом неприятных способностей, например, "следить" за одним из членов партии (навешивается временно спец баф) и если игрок за которым следит бос, выполнит любой действие, то будет немедленно убит. Кроме того, каждая смерть члена партии прибавляет Мондакиру опыта и за три смерти он растет в уровне - увеличивается в размерах, усиливает удары. - Gahz'ranka - гидра, которая может быть вызвана по выполнении серии рыбацких квестов (требует умения рыбака 350) с участием Nat Pagle. Думаю, в Zul'Gurub мы можем сходить на данном этапе, если наберется достаточное количество желающих.
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Mumuha | Дата: Суббота, 2008-01-12, 4:26 PM | Сообщение # 2 |
Группа: Член гильдии HAGAKURE
Сообщений: 56
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| левел я так понимаю 69+?
*должен AspidSoul 25г.
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Robins | Дата: Суббота, 2008-01-12, 10:23 PM | Сообщение # 3 |
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 55
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| Charley_est, Quote (Charley_est) рейд оригинального WoW на 20 игроков, расположенный на севере Stranglethorn Vale. Значит для 60+
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Chitsa | Дата: Воскресенье, 2008-01-13, 11:19 AM | Сообщение # 4 |
Guild Master Assistant
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| С удовольствием полечу Кто пойдет и когда выдвигаемся?
Знание некоторых принципов легко возмещает незнание некоторых фактов.
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Shantara | Дата: Воскресенье, 2008-01-13, 12:57 PM | Сообщение # 5 |
Warlock Class Leader
Группа: Член гильдии HAGAKURE
Сообщений: 355
Статус: Offline
| Для новичков в рейдах, следует учесть, что завалить многих боссов возможно только с использованием четкой тактики (попытка применить стандартный метод "заДПСить до смерти" приведет только к неизбежному вайпу). ЗГ, хоть и является довольно старым рейдом, требует не меньше 15 человек 60+ левела для успешного прохождения. Основной причиной, по которой в этот инст довольно часто ходят хаи является возможность выбить уникального маунта. С шансом порядка 0,57%... Добавлено (2008-01-13, 12:57 Pm) --------------------------------------------- PS: прикольная штука... когда весь день в инстах, подпись автоматически отображает твои статы со всеми баффами.
Kara[13/13] Gruul[2/2] ZA[6/6] Mag[1/1] SSC[3/6] TK[1/4] Champion of the Naaru
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Robins | Дата: Воскресенье, 2008-01-13, 2:58 PM | Сообщение # 6 |
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 55
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| Quote (Shantara) требует не меньше 15 человек 60+ Я вчера был зул шурубе.. и мы один раз там все померли.. тока незнаю как ( я умер до их вайпа) так что лучше собрать 20человек.. смогли убить вроде тока: троля на рапторе, троля мага, и вроде троле который превращается в тигра. т.к. Quote (Shantara) выбить уникального маунта. С шансом порядка 0,57% и плюс там около 20человек шанс что маунт упадёт тебе 0.1%
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AspidJaws | Дата: Четверг, 2008-01-17, 2:47 AM | Сообщение # 7 |
Guild Master
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 719
Статус: Offline
| Рейд 16.01.2008 21:00 (по Москве), 60+ уровни, лимит 20 игроков. Добавлено (2008-01-17, 2:47 Am) --------------------------------------------- На рейд пришли 10 игроков, из них трое 70 лвл. К сожалению, довольно долго собирались, но всё-таки поход состоялся. После трех вайпов (первые два из-за того, что уже под самый конец не успевали сбить каст лечения, а третий из-за DC 3-х игроков) все-таки пал первый жрец - High Priestess Jeklik. Второй жрец, High Priest Venoxis, был убит без проблем, с первого захода. На третьем жреце, High Priestess Mar'li, осталось уже слишком мало народу - вшестером его завалить не сумели. Оставили на следующий раз Продолжение рейда - 17.01.2008 в 21:00 по Москве.
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AspidJaws | Дата: Четверг, 2008-01-17, 9:27 AM | Сообщение # 8 |
Guild Master
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 719
Статус: Offline
| Отдых в ожидании Orliniiglaz, перед успешной атакой на первого боса.
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Chitsa | Дата: Четверг, 2008-01-17, 11:53 AM | Сообщение # 9 |
Guild Master Assistant
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 303
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| Посмотрел и сравнил описания прохождения на WoWWiki / WorldOfWarcraft.Ru и понял, что на wowwiki они более адекватны. Приведу тут цитаты, они к сожалению на английском, но переводить времени нету. Привожу тактику для всех боссов, думаю она нам пригодится Так как не всем удалось побывать в рейде Наш первый босс High Priestess Jeklik: Quote Phase 1 It's a good idea to pull her to the small hill (which is just to your right as you enter her area). If she's there, you get good advance warning before a bat wave comes in. You should have as few as possible people in melee range (ideally only the MT and OT), one sacrifice guy (e.g. a hunter) between her and the raid, and the raid at maximum casting range away from her. Everybody close to her will take AoE damage, so rogues will have to withdraw and bandage from time to time. You will want to apply very high DPS in order to get her to 50% health as soon as possible. Your mages should save mana for AoEing the bat waves. They come once a minute, starting a minute after she is engaged in battle. It is important to kill these bats as quickly as possible or they will eventually swarm the raid. If your mages' mana is very limited, it is possible to keep the mages out of the main combat; place them between the place where she initially stands and the raid, and let them kill the bat waves, and rest between waves. This tactic should not be used while learning the encounter, because it takes away DPS from her and adds complication. It's only advisable for experienced raids where the mages are played by alts or newbies. She will at times charge the closest person in a 8–40ish yard range dealing AoE 1k damage and a 5 sec silence. Keep a hunter at a shorter distance to her than the rest of the main party, but off to the side and just toss a HoT on him after charges. She also has a fear ability if you cannot maintain control on her. When her health gets below 50%, she shapeshifts and Phase 2 starts. This should happen before the fourth bat wave (within less than 4 minutes after the pull), else the raid doesn't put out enough DPS. Two bat waves is actually "normal", and one is possible if the raid has MC equipment. [edit] Phase 2 At 50% she goes into caster form. Don't bother keeping her mana drained - you can interrupt/kick/pummel/counterspell her healing. Although you may receive an "immune" message, that is an immunity to silence effects, not the counterspell itself. Her heal does require mana, but we have seen her heal with only 125 mana. Having at least 1 person running a boss mod (e.g. CT_Raidassist) helps, as you'll get a warning message anytime she starts to cast a spell. If she manages to get off even a single heal, you'll most likely wipe as she heals for about 20-30%. (~50k hp) As of patch 1.12 she now does a Chain Mind Flay (Mind Flay is a channeled spell that can be acquired from the Shadow talent tree. It is the spell with the best damage/mana ratio for the priest, and it has the additional bonus to stop runners (the target is slowed by 50%)) in her human form that can wipe a raid if not counterspelled quickly. That means not only to keep an eye out and counterspell for her great heal, you must also be able to counterspell the chain mind flay. She will eventually start to summon bats that drop bombs on your raid. These bombs hurt and will deal some significant DPS as long as you stay within the fire that results. You can avoid this by having the tank steadily move Jeklik around in a circle. This works because the bombs take 2 seconds to hit the ground after they're dropped, therefore not allowing the bats to aim. As long as the DPS continues, she will fall shortly after. It is a good idea to have Paladins (if you have any) use Devotion aura until the bats with the bombs come, then the Paladins should change to Fire Resistance aura. Shamans should use FR totems in this phase. Второй босс High Priest Venoxis: Quote This boss is extremely easy and any mana draining strategies are superfluous. A group of 8 and no warriors took him down with ease, resetting him only once due to some group miscommunications. A well equipped druid can even tank this boss, provided he has 2-3 healers. Simply offtank Venoxis on your tank with one healer, while the rest DPS the adds. Switch to Venoxis, staying well back of him until he shifts. Then increase DPS and healing on the MT, while making sure to dispel his HoT (renew). With raidtracker you can have it announce when he heals to make it super easy. I could see Venoxis being down by 1 warrior, 1 priest, 1 shaman/paladin, 1 warlock and perhaps a hunter or mage. A 5 man group with tier 2-3 would make short work of him. Третий босс High Priestess Mar'li: Quote For this fight you need two tanks. To start the fight, have a priest Mind Control the Speaker and make the Speaker attack Mar'li. At this point four spiders will spawn that need to be AoE'ed down right away. Once the spiders are down, and the Speaker gets pwned by Mar'li, the tank will pick up aggro and all ranged classes should cluster up outside of her AoE range. So set up like this: xx xx r xx OT r BOSS MT xx r xx x = Ranged / Healers MT = tank #1 (Main tank) OT = tank #2 (Off tank) r = Rogues Once the tank gets aggro, all melee apart from the OT begin attacking. Periodically, she will shapeshift into a spider form. When she does this, she'll web all the melee around her and wipe their aggro. She'll then charge the ranged group where the other tank will be waiting to pick up aggro and pull her back to the MT position. The OT is now the main tank, and the MT heads back to the ranged group to pick up the next charge. Be sure the ranged stay clustered up, otherwise it will be difficult for the tank to pick her up right away. Periodically, a spider will spawn. If the spider is not immediately killed it will grow larger and more powerful and will wipe the raid. Just call it out and have your ranged deal with them right away, they drop quickly. When in caster form, Mar'li will attempt to life drain someone. Be sure to immediately counter this with an interrupt ability such as Kick or Shield Bash. It is sometimes hard to see if she is life draining or not, so pay attention. Do not let her heal herself; it is a significant amount. Bloodlord Mandokir: Quote The Bloodlord is a much more difficult fight than the snake and bat aspects. He levels with your deaths, and has an extremely fast moving, quite deadly raptor. There are two primary methods of dealing with him, each with their separate strategies. To begin with either, begin the fight by pulling the speaker. Kill him; he only has a few thousand HP. Then, you must first separate the raptor and the Bloodlord. Many groups pull the raptor up to behind the stakes, though that is up to the raid leader. Meanwhile, the Bloodlord remains beneath the stakes in almost all cases. Both strategies consist of having the main tank on the Bloodlord and the offtank on the raptor. In either case, have the Mages in the raid group place Amplify Magic on every character, as this fight is purely physical. The focus of this strategy is to avoid the Bloodlord's enrage when Ohgan dies; it significantly increases his attack power, and it is also suspected to increase the variability of his charges. In affect, the raptor is to be offtanked until the Bloodlord is dead, at which point, the raid may finish the encounter by killing the raptor. The raptor has a stackable debuff affect which decreases the target's armor by a high amount; 7 to 8 sunders will make the tank wearing them squishy as a cloth wearer. Make sure to switch tanks between 3 and 5 sunders. This fight does require 3 tanks. This makes this strategy difficult for the healers; without gear, this makes the fight near impossible for the healers and their mana to survive. The alternative is to kill the raptor first and the Bloodlord second. This is more dangerous for the raid overall, but it probably amounts to the same difficulty as the first strategy, as your healers are all focused on either the MT or the random person who gets hit by the charge. Again, leave the MT on the Bloodlord, with two offtanks on the raptor, switching off as prescribed in the first strategy. When the raptor falls, the Bloodlord will enrage, increasing attack power, as well as (it seems) increase the randomness with his attacks. The enrage lasts for approximately a minute, but it does make him hit very hard. Every healer should be on the main tank, and the tank should be prepared to make last minute saves, such as Shield Wall. Добавлено (2008-01-17, 11:18 Am) --------------------------------------------- High Priest Thekal: Quote This fight is another two-phase affair. Phase 1 has three tanks grabbing the Priest and the Zealots. The offtanks take the Zealots about halfway to each corner of the lower area. The Priest is tanked just south of his hut. Lor'Khan needs to be far enough away from the others so he cannot heal them. Alternatively Lor'Khan can be mana drained by priests/locks and a hunter. Once he's at 0 mana a hunter can keep him down alone. Zath can be closer to Thekal, but again needs to be away from Lor'Khan. Note: Zealot Lor'Khan has been confirmed that she's susceptible to chain rogue stuns - not sure if this also works for Zealot Zath. Also Note: Zealot Zath can both Gouge and Blind, so you need either two tanks to keep him controlled or a mage to stay second on the aggro list ready to blink to the tank upon gouge/blind. If you're really unlucky, he'll gouge one tank, blind the other, and go for the healer. Be on your toes. All 3 can be disarmed in phase one, so be sure to do this whenever the cooldown is over. Once the MT has enough aggro on Thekal, everyone attacks until 20%. They then switch to Zath, and take him to 15%. Finally, Lor'Khan is taken to 10%. Rogues need to kick and mages need to silence to avoid him healing, and making this a longer fight, and a potential wipe. By this time, Thekal and Zath will be at around 10% as well. Then all that is needed is to kill all three in quick succession. It is recommended that most of the DPS kills Lor'Khan, and a few of the ranged start to kill Zath. As Lor'Khan gets lower, more of the DPS can move on to Thekal and Zath, but the Rogues must stay until Lor'Khan dies, since a Heal at any point will mean everyone has to either get back on Lor'Khan, or run out and start again. Once Lor'Khan dies, the Rogues and other melee can move on to Thekal, whilst the ranged finish off Zath. An alternate strategy is to simply split into three groups and try to keep the DPS even all the way down, but this can be easily ruined by a single heal from Lor'Khan. By having Thekal and Zath at 15-10%, the Tanks can simply stand there and take a beating, getting healed, until Lor'Khan is ready to be killed. This strategy is more forgiving of lag, mistakes, and mistimed kicks/silences. Another finishing off strategy is once you have them down around 10 percent health bring all 3 together and AOE as much as possible. This is an easy way to kill them all at the same time. From the time of the first death, you have about 10 seconds before they start resurrecting. Some more info! As Zealot Lor'Khan can be stunned it really helps the healers out on conserving mana. You assign one healer for the tank with Lor'Khan. 2 healers on Zealot Zath's tank, and 3 healers on Thekal's tank. This worked for us and we didn't go out of mana by the time we pulled em all together and AoE'd em down when they were all low percent. The rogues chain stunning Lor'Khan is also good for kicking to interrupt the heals she can cast. In any case she does get a heal off during the AoEing, just have all single target DPS focus on her. A completely different strategy, which saves you from having to kill Zath and Lor'Khan completely is to have a hunter multishot the three, MT charges Thekal. The hunter throws serpent sting on Zath and Lor'Khan, alternating and kiting them all around ZG. While this is going on, burn Thekal as quickly as possible, holding him down in the clearing, well away from the stairs. With Zath and Lor'Khan out of range, there's nobody to rez Thekal, so he comes back for phase 2. By this time, the hunter is probably dead and Zath and Lor'Khan reset at their starting places. (this strategy has been fixed in the 1.12 patch and when the priest dies for the first time the boss will reset) During phase 2 We pulled Thekal to the right side near where we tanked Zealot Lor'khan and had the rest of the raid on the other side where Zealot Zath is tanked. We then have 2 mages polying the tigers as they come in. All extra melee DPS is tasked with breaking a poly of one of the tigers (hibernate and cheap shot work on these tigers also) and DPSing down these tigers down one at a time. Meanwhile, all ranged DPS focus on Thekal and you'll have two tanks for Thekal. Once Thekal does his AoE punch he'll lose aggro on the main tank. That's where the 2nd tank intercepts and brings him to his tanking spot. The old tank then takes his place for intercept *away* from the punch standing toward the middle. Note: It's a good idea to keep the tank in between the majority of the raid and the boss or else the punch will hit them as well. Alternate Phase 2 Strategy: Since the AoE stomp is nearly unavoidable, it can help to have the whole raid run up into the small alcove where Thekal and his guards started before the encounter. The MT and melee fight Thekal against one wall while the OT, healers, and ranged DPS stand against the other. When he unleashes the AoE attack, the walls allow everyone to quickly recover and prevents the raid from being scattered about on the battlefield. Everyone's close proximity also allows for extremely quick disposal of tiger adds. A variation on the above which we've found to work well is to AoE the three down from 10% in the small alcove in front of the cage, then tanking Thekal in the niche to the left facing the cage, and having the ranged in the cage. Ranged takes tigers, melee's behind Thekal, the tank doesn't go anywhere if there's a knockback, ranged can get out of LoS to bandage, and, if there's a random charge, an offtank in the cage's mouth can deal with it straight away. Добавлено (2008-01-17, 11:26 Am) --------------------------------------------- High Priestess Arlokk: Quote Setup: The whole raid assembles at the gong, only the main tank keeps to the middle of the room to grab Arlokk when the gong has been sounded. after grabbing the aggro, the whole raid focuses on dps on Arlokk, the panthers are being feared by Warlocks and Priests with their ApE fearing abilities. No offtanks are needed here. Once Arlokk vanishes, the mages Frost Nova the panthers and the whole raid goes AoE against them. The panthers die rather fast (at least in our raids, they are non-elite mobs). The main tank just stays in the middle of the room during the slaying of the panthers. Once Arlokk is visible again, and the main tank regained aggro, again the whole raid focuses on her to dps her down, fearing/ignoring the spawning panthers. Main Points: - keep dps on Arlokk as long as she is visible - mass fear the panthers during the dps stages - aoe kill panthers once Arlokk vanishes - the main tank needs to keep Arlokk out of the group because of her cleave attack. We manage to kill Arlokk before she vanishes a 2nd time with this strategy. Добавлено (2008-01-17, 11:29 Am) --------------------------------------------- Jin'do the Hexxer: Quote Assign either one druid (in bear form) or three warriors to tank Jin'do. The bear will not get hexxed and will not lose aggro. If the main tank is a warrior, he will need two off-tanks, in case the main tank gets hexxed while an off-tank is brainwashed. Assign one healer to the main tank. All other healers spot-heal anyone in the raid as needed, as everyone in the raid can take damage from Delusions of Jin'do, the shades' Shadow Shock, and brainwashed characters. If you're using a warrior to tank, assign one priest or paladin to de-curse the hex on that tank. Assign one mage to kill the skeletons when Jin'do drops someone in the pit. Assign a backup mage, in case the primary one runs out of mana or gets cursed. Apply a Prayer of Shadow Protection buff to everyone in the raid. Everyone except the main tank should wear whatever shadow resistance gear they have available. Healers may wish to use a Greater Shadow Protection Potion. Assign a hunter as the main assist to target totems as they pop up. Everyone else should assist him and help kill his targets. The macros below are a big help with this job. Warriors and priests, use up fear spells before the pull. [edit] DPS target priorities Winning this fight is all about the DPS characters prioritizing targets. Jin'do summons shades and totems. They must be killed in the right order, or this fight is very difficult. Jin'do's melee attack, while not insignificant against cloth wearers, is weak and not the main danger in the fight. The biggest dangers are Jin'do's shades. They must be killed as quickly as possible or they will multiply out of control and wipe the raid by interrupting heals and killing healers. The healing totems are the next threat. They heal Jin'do much more quickly than it is possible to damage him. However, the totems themselves do not have a lot of hit points, and must be killed. Apply Mortal Strike and Wound Poison IV to Jin'do to reduce the amount of healing he gets from this totem from 10,000 per tick to about 4,300 per tick. The brainwashing totems are less dangerous than the healing totems and have more hit points, but are still a considerable threat and should be killed before dealing with Jin'do. In addition, warriors and priests should use up their fear spells so that they don't cast them on other characters when brainwashed. If Jin'do gets more than one of these up at a time, the brainwashed characters can cause a considerable amount of damage that should be going to Jin'do. When there are no totems up, DPS characters without Delusions of Jin'do can attack Jin'do. In summary, the killing priority is: 1. Shades of Jin'do 2. Powerful Healing Ward 3. Brainwashing Totem 4. Jin'do the Hexxer [edit] Combat Pull Jin'do once all the trash near him is cleared. There is no special technique needed for this. The tactics do not change throughout the duration of the fight. The DPS characters must instantly and rigidly follow the priorities listed above. When a healing totem pops up, they must target and attack it as quickly as they can, without worrying about combo points, travel time, or the like. While priests and paladins remove the Hex spell from the main tank, mages and druids must not remove the Delusions of Jin'do curse. Every character except the main tank that gets the Delusions of Jin'do curse must drop everything he is doing and attack shades. The pit mage must call for the backup mage and the primary healer must ask for a backup healer to take over on the tank. The shades are invulnerable to all AoE and reflected damage effects. They must be killed with single-target damage. Because of this, the best way to do a lot of damage is by putting an instant-cast DoT on every shade. The shades do not follow the usual aggro rules, and will not leave their targets when attacked. Hunters and warlocks attack a shade with a pet; the pet will continue attacking the target until the shade dies, even after the pet's owner loses the curse. Hunters put Hunter's Mark on one shade and leave it alone until later. The hunter can see the marked shade and kill it after the curse wears off. Again, Damage Over Time (DoT) spells can be the key to winning this fight. Each shade has only around 2,000 hit points, so three DoT spells will kill one. Even priests must stop healing and switch to casting DoT spells for the duration of the curse. Characters without DoT spells should try to kill two, three, or four shades every time they get cursed. Wipes on Jin'do are usually a result of the shades getting out of control and interrupting the healers' spellcasting, so attack the shades on the healers first. Keep Wound Poison and Mortal Strike on Jin'do over the duration of the fight. This will result in the totems healing about 4,300 points per tick instead of 10,000. This helps a lot. When Jin'do teleports someone into the skeleton pit, his screen will freeze for a second. He must run out of the pit and back into action while the assigned mage blasts the skeletons and gets out of the pit. Note that the main tank will not lose aggro when this happens. Jin'do will chase him down. There are no phases. This strategy must be maintained for the whole fight. Take care of all the problems Jin'do causes, and hit him when you have a chance. Eventually, he somehow just ends up dead. [edit] Tips Some groups find it helpful to drain Jin'do's mana pool at the beginning of the fight and maintain a Viper Sting on him, as he will not drop Powerful Healing Totems when completely out of mana. Warriors can cause a wipe by getting Brainwashed then casting Intimidating Shout on the healers. Warriors and priests should use their fear abilities before the fight and whenever possible to keep them on cooldown. Hunters are very useful in this fight. With their pet and Hunter's Mark, they can kill two shades after the curse wears off. Also, with their long range, they can stay away from Brainwashing Totems and easily switch between targets. Finally, they have an instant-cast DoT which allows them to cause a lot a damage when many shades are up. As tempting as it might be, hunters should not use Multishot on Brainwashing Totems. It will hit the brainwashed character. This fight is a great chance for Arms-specced warriors and Feral-specced druids to shine. This is nice, as these specs are generally not desired for raids. Due to the constant switches to secondary targets, DPS characters do not need to worry about pulling aggro off of the main tank. Also, as healing aggro is split amongst the many shades, healers don't need to worry about pulling aggro, either. All-out DPS and healing is acceptable in this fight. If your guild is having difficulty with the complexities of this fight, this boss is killable using "Brute Force". Apply Wound Poisons and Mortal Strikes, then have the melee combatants focus on the totems. Everyone else should ignore the spirits and attack Jin'do. The "Skeletal Moshpit" still applies, however. (Tested Sept 9th, 2006) If your Guild is on the Alliance side, the strategy above is even more potent. Have all your healers and Casters grouped up in two Paladin groups with Concentration aura on. Have your DPS focus on the healing and brainwash totems and ignore the shades. It is possible for a mounted rogue to kite three of the Mad Servants (imps) from the Edge of Madness area to Jin'do's area, where warlocks can enslave them and use their high-damage fireball attack on Jin'do for this fight. The catch is that with diminishing returns, these demons are likely to break free in the middle of the fight. Also, if they die, they summon non-banishable, non-enslavable voidwalkers that cause trouble. The imps' high DPS tends to pull aggro, so be ready to heal them if you try this. This fight is not only very technical, it's also a DPS gear check. Your raid must be able to output enough damage per second to kill the shades and totems as fast as Jin'do can spawn them, and then have a little DPS left over to actually hurt Jin'do. If your raid can't keep up, you can come back with more DPS characters, try draining his mana, try enslaving the imps, or simply come back when your DPS gear is better. Добавлено (2008-01-17, 11:33 Am) --------------------------------------------- Hakkar the Soulflayer: Quote The fight revolves around the Blood Siphon. You need to ensure that the entire raid is poisoned by a Son of Hakkar's poison cloud before each Siphon. To enable this, you will need one person to pull a fast re-spawning Son from the left and right platforms to the raid so it can be killed. The entire raid should get the poison from the ensuing cloud while ensuring that the entire raid is not poisoned for too long, due to the damage caused. There are two common strategies for this. 1. Using a hunter or mage to pull a Son a few seconds before the Siphon, then the raid kill this as soon as it arrives and gets the poison. 2. Using a hunter to pull a Son immediately after a Siphon (or prior to starting the fight) then to have this Son sheeped near to the raid and killed several seconds before the Siphon is due. The Siphon process will remove the poison, so it is possible to keep the damage from the poison to a minimum if the Son is killed only very shortly before siphoning. It is important to pull a new son only AFTER the siphoning, if pulled before there is a risk of it unsheeping during the Siphon while everyone is defenseless. Hakkar himself needs to be held by 2 or 3 tanks due to him Mind Controlling the current tank, which will cause him to switch to next person on the aggro list. Hakkar's Mind Control is technically considered to be a Charm effect, so druid tanks are not immune to it. When a tank is Mind Controlled, he should be sheeped by a mage to prevent him causing too much damage to the raid. This sheep should be dispelled when Mind Control fades. Additionally, due to this Mind Control it is necessary to have warriors burn their Intimidating Shout as soon as it cools down to prevent the raid being feared. Hakkar will also frequently spit Corrupted Blood at members of the raid, dealing a large amount of shadow damage. Spreading the raid to limit the number of people who can be hit can help but also causes problems collapsing back to receive the poison. The best strategy is to keep the priests in the center rear, so they don't have to move around to get the poison, and spread the ranged DPS out to both sides, and closer to Hakkar. As with many boss fights, limiting the damage the AoE attack does it crucial. The Corrupted Blood attack does about 2000 points of damage to a player in total, and if 15 people get corrupted this means a total of 15,000-30,000 HP (depending on how fast it gets cleansed) which need to be healed. Since this happens every 20-30 seconds, this puts a massive load on the healers. The fight itself requires relatively little DPS, although there is a 10 min Enrage. Hakkar has about 745804 HP. He will do around 1/4 of the damage himself via Blood Siphon assuming everyone in the raid gets the Poisonous Blood each Siphon. As a worst case scenario no more than 3 people can be without the poison, or Hakkar will heal each Siphon. This goes without saying, but if at any time you're left with one tank, and the boss isn't at very low HP, a wipe is inevitable. Reset by running down the stairs. Hakkar's the first boss you'll come across that's untauntable, therefore it's impossible for a just-ressed tank to gain enough aggro to tank him - and, of course, he hits hard enough to make healing any randoms that get aggro during mind control into a nightmare. In order to prevent tank death, it is advisable to have at least 6 main healers (priests and resto druids) in the raid. The majority of failures on Hakkar happen because of tank death. Note that Hakkar can be reset by pulling him down the stairs. Добавлено (2008-01-17, 11:53 Am) --------------------------------------------- В заключение хотел бы настоять на использовании рейдерами нескольких аддонов: BigWigs - мощная группа аддонов облегчающая борьбу с боссами в старших инстах, показывает различные таймеры применения боссом своих абилок и т.п.Критически важно знать, когда босс собирается использовать ту или иную свою возможность, чтобы адекватно реагировать, а не ловить неприятные "сюрпризы". Omen - Threat-meter, измеритель вашего аггро, то есть того, как сильно вы "разозлили" моба. Если вы сгенерируете трита больше танка, то моб переключится на вас. Особенно актуально для магов, варлоков и других дамажащих классов, которые могут сорвать на себя моба и мгновенно умереть от этого, до того как танк успеет среагировать. Decursive - описание этого аддона я уже давал, обязательная вещь для всех классов, могущих снимать дебафы. На мой взгляд, снятие во время боя / после боя различных дебаффов очень важно. Так что не ленитесь, вовремя снятый дебафф может спасти рейд. Маги, Присты, Палычи.. это минимально у кого должен стоять Decursive. Следить "вручную" без этого аддона за 10-20 людьми очень напряжное дело, особенно во время боя. CastYeller - аддон для оповещения об использовании важных скилов, у паладина это например Lay Of Hands и некоторые другие, с кулдауном в час, для других классов - это свои наборы. Можно использовать специализированные классовые эквиваленты, например у варлоков / магов есть такие. Без него об использовании того или иного скила с большим кулдауном в горячке можно и не заметить и надеяться, что "если что" товарищ скастит.. а не тут то было. HealBot - Очень удобное и эффективное улучшение интерфейса для хилеров, с возможностями синхронизации. Настоятельно рекомендую всем лечащим классам. В рейде мы с толкнулись с проблемой перекрестного лечения одного человека несколькими хилерами сразу.. в результате overheal и куча потраченной впустую маны. Чтобы такого не происходило необходимо всем лечащим классам поставить этот аддон, он будет синхронизироваться и отображать в виде бара реальное хп + ожидаемая прибавка от хила от других хилеров. Эффективность лечения в рейде серьезно возрастет. Кроме того, он содержит Resurect Monitor, показывая кого оживляют другие хилеры (при у словии наличия у них HealBot'а) и воскрешение рейда после вайпа будет намного организованнее. В общем, настаиваю на примении. Описание PallyPower, скачать - аддон исключительно для палычей, отличный менеджер блесов. Я как-то давно пытался им воспользоваться, но тогда он был очень неудобен и для меня оказалось гораздо проще следить за всем самому, потом начал использовать HealBot с его менеджером блесов, но он довольно не гибок, и когда в пати больше одного паладина, его лучше отключать, так как он, а вместе с ним и я "путаемся". В PallyPower все эти нюансы полностью учтены. Почитайте описание, аддон прост в использовании и в тоже время очень гибок. Настоятельно рекомендую всем паладинам Помимо всего прочего, в него встроена синхронизация по блессам между несколькими паладинами и можно легко "договариваться" кто какие блессы будет использовать. Как видите набор очень небольшой, но затратив 5 минут, вы сможете действовать намного эффективнее в рейде. Не ленитесь! :) --
Знание некоторых принципов легко возмещает незнание некоторых фактов.
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AspidJaws | Дата: Четверг, 2008-01-31, 5:20 PM | Сообщение # 10 |
Guild Master
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 719
Статус: Offline
| 17.01 снова было 10 человек 60-70 уровней. High Priestess Mar'li завалили на этот раз без проблем Затем пошли зачищать зал, где стоит Bloodlord Mandokir. Psyonix зачем-то стукнул Seeker'а и сверху, с пирамиды, после этого выбежал Мандокир, а мы, что называется, такого развития событий не ожидали. Тем не менее, большинство вело себя адектватно, благо успели прочитать что при бафе Watched ничего делать нельзя. С трудом и несколькими смертями в рейде бос был всё-таки повержен. На High Priest Thekal с первого раз не получилось, чтобы 3 боса умерли друг за другом в период 10 секунд - случайно убили одного раньше. Второй раз пробовать уже не стали Добавлено (2008-01-31, 5:20 Pm) --------------------------------------------- 29.01.2008 сходили в ZulGurub еще раз. Поскольку к началу рейда желающих из клана было недостаточно для успешного похода, добрали нескольких буржуев (друида, рогу, паладина-танка, паладина-хилера). Трое из четырех буржуев попались крайне неадекватные, но тем не менее, с ними завалили 4-х первых босов: High Priestess Jeklik, High Priest Venoxis, High Priestess Mar'li, Bloodlord Mandokir. Причем опять внепланово сорвали агро Mandokir'а и убивали его при полной неготовности рейда и изучении тактики прямо во время боя (вероятно это уже становится традицией). На этот раз виновником неподготовленного пула стал залетный друид из Польши, вдохновляющийся, судя по всему, подвигами Лероя. После победы нас решил покинуть иностранец паладин-хилер. Благодаря тому же друиду и его привычке пулить всё что видит, вайпанулись на тиграх перед High Priest Thekal. Когда наконец разобрались с тиграми и принялись за трех предбосовых жрецов, которые оживляют друг друга если их всех не прикончить в промежуток 10 секунд, наш польский коллега и его соклановец рога продемонстрировали нам, как бесконечно долго и бесполезно может продолжаться бой со слабыми босами, если не следовать разработанной тактике. Команды лидера рейда и здравый смысл игнорировались начисто, доведенного до почти мертвого состояния жреца буржуи добивали, а не переходили к следующему жрецу, чтобы потом успеть убить всех троих за отведенное время. В результате, жрецы оживляли друг друга и бой начинался сначала. После захода на 4-й круг, кармический цикл был прерван изгнанием из рейда друида и роги, благо во время похода подошли еще трое наших соклановцев и теперь хватало и своих сил. С освобождением состава рейда от паразитных элементов, жрецы, а затем и сам High Priest Thekal были успешно побеждены. Бой, как позже оказалось, длился около получаса. Из иностранцев к тому времени остался лишь один паладин-танк, к которому единственному из "приглашенных звёзд" не было никаких нареканий. Выводы: весь забег и особенно тигровый бос, показали что организовано действовать и следовать тактике мы вполне способны, но только не надо опаздывать к началу рейда, чтобы потом не брать случайных людей в помощь
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Mumuha | Дата: Пятница, 2008-02-01, 0:35 AM | Сообщение # 11 |
Группа: Член гильдии HAGAKURE
Сообщений: 56
Статус: Offline
*должен AspidSoul 25г.
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Leorik | Дата: Пятница, 2008-02-01, 7:41 AM | Сообщение # 12 |
Hyungno Ghost
Группа: Член гильдии HAGAKURE
Сообщений: 83
Статус: Offline
| Гз=)..скорей бы 60..сходил бы с вами=)
Armory Link
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CapFiyah | Дата: Среда, 2008-02-13, 12:19 PM | Сообщение # 13 |
Big-eyed Ghost
Группа: Участник
Сообщений: 6
Статус: Offline
| веселый данж,всех валили рандом пати (в основном 70 из Team Destruction) большинство адекватных людей) упало куча епиков для малышей так что никто не обломался кроме тех кто хотел маунта... готов сходить еще раз
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Tanatophilia | Дата: Среда, 2008-03-26, 11:12 PM | Сообщение # 14 |
Big-eyed Ghost
Группа: Член гильдии HAGAKURE
Сообщений: 2
Статус: Offline
| Просто интересно - мы еще когда-нибудь пойдем просто ради прикола... Если вдруг кто захочет - сообщите))
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Leorik | Дата: Четверг, 2008-03-27, 5:19 PM | Сообщение # 15 |
Hyungno Ghost
Группа: Член гильдии HAGAKURE
Сообщений: 83
Статус: Offline
| Я хочу сходить...тем более что лвл позволяет. заодно хоть поучусь работать в группе.
Armory Link
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